How to choose hosting for a small site?

If you’re starting your first online project, you aren’t going to get a lot of traffic to the site overnight. That’s why a moderately priced shared hosting plan is probably the best idea for a smaller website.

Benefits of shared plans for startup businesses

First, if you pick a managed plan, you won’t have to think about the tech details since the support team will process all of them for you.

Second, this is the cheapest option on the market, so you won’t be overpaying.

Third, most of shared plans today are divided into sub-levels that are tied to specific amounts of resources (RAM, memory, disk space) that you use. This enables your project to scale in an effective and easy manner, avoiding any halts in your journey.

For those of you who are doing ecom projects, VPS can be a better idea because it comes with higher security, more abilities to configure the server side and more resources to successfully live through those unexpected spikes in traffic at your site.